Bye, Bye Spreadsheet. Hi, Jekyll Date Chart!

Deckard BTC all but real
01.01.2013 =6000,00 a good start
16.01.2013 =+1500,00 they said we should use WordPress
03.03.2013 =-3000,00 asked my Dad for it; thank you Dad
04.04.2013 +1500,00 assume this is an addition
05.05.2013 +1500,00 sometimes Mum is more generous
06.06.2013 +1500,00 they said we should use WordPress
Quaid BTC all but real
01.01.2013 =4000,00 a good start
01.02.2013 -3000,00 they said we should use WordPress
01.03.2013 +1500,00 asked my Dad for it; thank you Dad
01.04.2013 -1500,00 assume this is an addition
01.05.2013 +1500,00 sometimes Mum is more generous
01.06.2013 +1500,00 they said we should use WordPress
Hauser BTC all but real
01.01.2013 =0,00 a good start
01.02.2013 +1500,00 they said we should use WordPress
01.03.2013 +2500,00 asked my Dad for it; thank you Dad
01.04.2013 +1500,00 assume this is an addition
01.05.2013 +2500,00 sometimes Mum is more generous
01.06.2013 +1500,00 they said we should use WordPress

Jekyll Date Chart (RubyGems, GitHub) erzeugt Liniendiagramme mit Datumsbezug aus Textile-ähnlichen Tabellen.

Im Folgenden werden einige Beispieldiagramme zum frisch gebackenen Jekyll Plugin aufgezeigt.

Nutzungsbeispiele mit allgemeinen Werten

Push-Ups Repetitions Push it to the limit, walk along the razors ed..
12.02.2013 =12 Hey, I’ve only just started out!
13.03.2013 =9 Hangover. Just don’t ask.
14.04.2013 =15 Look at that!
15.05.2013 =20 Superman is jealous.
16.06.2013 =30 Hulk is jealous.
17.07.2013 =50 Chuck Norris is jealous.
339 Repetitions If you stick with us …
21.05.2013 =250 Checkin’ on the kids, eh Toni?
22.06.2013 =300 Hit my haaand, Jason!
24.07.2013 =339 Look, Audri, I did it! Oh, you’re still goin …
25.08.2013 =349 Might do a little bonus?? Hmpf
26.09.2013 =350 Adam, we’re done. Adam?!

Nutzungsbeispiele mit Finanzdaten

Zwei Tabellen – zwei Diagramme

Savings USD all but real
01.01.2013 =3.000,00 a good start
02.02.2013 =-2.920,30 they said we should use WordPress
03.03.2013 +2.500,00 asked my Dad for it; thank you Dad
04.04.2013 100,50 assume this is an addition
05.05.2013 +2.501,15 sometimes Mum is more generous
06.06.2013 +1,16 … and then Dad again
cash EUR vest, trousers, socks and the like
10.01.2013 =0,00 we all start out naked they say
02.02.2013 =-2.000,20 long night in Vegas; too long
30.03.2013 +2.200,00 mowed the lawn; big lawn
20.05.2013 -200,15 birthday party
30.07.2013 =+1.650,00 where did that come from?

Zwei Tabellen – ein Diagramm

Savings EUR all but real
01.01.2013 =3.000,00 a good start
02.02.2013 =-2.920,30 they said we should use WordPress
03.03.2013 +2.500,00 asked my dad for it; thank you dad
cash EUR vest, trousers, socks and the like
01.01.2013 =0,00 we all start out naked they say
02.02.2013 =-2.000,20 long night in Vegas; too long
03.03.2013 +2.200,00 mowed the lawn; big lawn